About Pre-token Trading
Pre-token Trading is an innovative service that enables pre-minting (creating), trading, and delivering PreTokens by staking assets. It allows users to earn profits before popular new tokens or major events are officially released. Through Pre-token Trading, users can pre-mint and trade PreTokens flexibly, and deliver them at maturity in prediction markets.
Note: PreTokens are not genuine tokens of any project. Pre-minted and held PreTokens will be settled with collateral (USDT) at a fair price, and users will receive the collateral (USDT) funds upon delivery.
How Pre-token Trading Works?
Roles | What to do |
Pre-minters | Users can make predictions on the outcome of popular assets not yet listed or a hot topic event, and choose to create a PreToken for one side. For example, issuing a "PRE_TRUMP" PreToken for the U.S. presidential election results. Details are as follows:
1. Stake assets (e.g., USDT) to pre-mint PreTokens. 2. Sell the pre-minted Pre-Tokens in the market as the trading starts. 3. Redeem these PreTokens at any time. |
Holders | After the PreToken trading starts, all users (including pre-minters) can buy or sell them in the spot market of these PreTokens, similar to regular spot trading procedures. |
CoinEx Delivery | When a Pre-Token Trading project concludes, CoinEx will initiate the delivery process. Meanwhile, all pre-minting, redeeming, and trading services will be terminated. The system then captures a snapshot of all user assets and performs delivery at a fair price. |
Delivery Rules
Roles | Rules of Delivery |
Pre-minters |
"Pre-Minting Delivery" is conducted for pre-minted PreTokens Pre-Minted Delivery Amount = Staked Amount - Final Pre-Minted Amount * Delivery Price) - Delivery Fee Based on the final delivery price |
Holders |
"Position Delivery" is conducted for PreToken holders Position Delivery Amount = Position Amount * Delivery Price - Delivery Fee Based on the final delivery price |
CoinEx may deliver PreTokens early in the following situations:
(1) When the off-platform market price of the PreToken project is significantly higher than the pre-minted price on CoinEx.
(2) When unexpected circumstances occur or results are announced early for the event related to the PreToken.
PreTokens delivered early may have their markets reopened later. Please stay tuned with the official announcements for details.
How to use Pre-token Trading?
About Pre-mint
1. Visit CoinEx official website (https://www.coinex.com), log in to your account, and select [Pre-Token Trading] under [Exchanges] at the top navigation.
2. On the “Pre-Token Trading” page, choose between [Pre-mint] or [Trade] as needed.
3. Select [Pre-mint], enter the staking value, read the "CoinEx Pre-Token Trading Service Agreement", tick the disclaimer checkbox, and click [Confirm].
4. Confirm the staking value and the Pre-mint value, then click [Confirm] to complete the Pre-mint.
5. After completing the Pre-mint, you can view the Pre-token and operation details on the "Project Details" page. You can also redeem and trade in the Spot Market at any time.
Note: After Pre-mint, Pre-token can also be transferred by using Inter-user Transfer. You can check the corresponding assets on the "Spot Assets" page.
About Redemption
1. Go to [Market] > [Project Details] page and click [Redeem].
2. Enter the redeemed amount or click [Redeem All], then click [Confirm] to complete the redemption.
About Delivery
1. The delivery time and related data will be displayed in advance on the “Project details” page.
Note: After the Delivery begins, Pre-mint and Redeem will be suspended, and the market will be taken offline for Delivery. Any open orders will be canceled, and the projects in the prediction market will enter a Delivery status, with the Pre-mint and holding amounts settled at the Delivery price.
2. After the Delivery is completed, the delivery amount will be transferred to the Spot account. CoinEx will notify you of the delivery status via email and in-site messages. You can check the related records on the "Spot History" page.
Risk Warning
1. High volatility risk: PreToken prices experience extreme fluctuations, especially when outcomes of new projects or events are unknown, potentially leading to significant losses.
2. Liquidity risk: Since the trading does not involve genuine tokens of any project, some PreTokens may face liquidity issues.
3. Market manipulation risk: Small-scale or emerging Pre-Token markets are more fragile to manipulation by large traders, potentially mispricing market expectations.
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