What is Depth Merger?
Depth merger refers to merging pending orders in the market according to the current precision so that traders can better observe the market. Depth merger will not affect the transaction price of the order, and the order will still be executed at the preset price.
Depth Merger Rules
1. Buying price: Round off
Suppose the buying price is 0.123456, if we only keep 5 decimal places, it will be rounded off to 0.12345.
2. Selling price: Carry-in
Suppose the selling price is 0.123456, if we only keep 5 decimal places, it will be carried into 0.12346.
3. Amount: Merge up and down
Example 1: In CET/USDT Spot trading market, when we set the precision to 6 decimals (i.e. 0.000001)(see left pic.), the Buying Price 8 is 0.091744 with an order amount of 136.6 CET, and the Buying Price 7 is 0.091745 with an order amount of 5076 CET.
When the precision is changed to 5 decimals (i.e. 0.00001)(see right pic.), the price will be displayed in 5 decimal places according to the carry system, which is 0.09174. Since the price of these two orders is similar, the order amount will be combined and displayed as 5213.
If the order is executed, it will still be executed at the preset price.
Example2: In CET/USDT Spot trading market, when we set the precision to 6 decimals (i.e. 0.000001)(see left pic.), the Ask Price 1 is 0.047072 with an order amount of 972.599369 CET, and the Ask Price 2 is 0.047073 with an order amount of 10726.059761 CET.
When the precision is changed to 5 decimals (i.e. 0.00001)(see right pic.), the price will be displayed in 5 decimal places according to the carry system, which is 0.04708. Since the price of these two orders is similar, the order amount will be combined and displayed as 11698.659130.
If the order is executed, it will still be executed at the preset price.